Monday, November 26, 2007


As in, done. Complete-d. Spent. Expended. Signed, sealed, delivered.

Baby just submitted her second candidacy exam question.

Yes. Done.

Orals on 12/3, and Mighty Miss C is now Mighty Miss Candy-date.


Hulk, on the other hand, is a middlin' student, but an ever-improving Cyclocross racer. Best ride ever this past weekend in Sterling, MA. The form is good, the motivation is high, and CX National Championships are only three weeks away. Freezing cold Kansas, here I come.

Chapeau, Baby. Hulk is proud of you.


Sunday, November 11, 2007


Today is a special day: It's the 11th day of the 11th month of the year, and Hulk and Baby just gave each other a big hug at 11:11PM. Why? Because it's still their favorite number.

Hulk eats jelly beans (about 11 of them), Baby writes her candidacy exams (with the realization that she's just started her 12th year of postsecondary studies), and all of this adds up to the fact that the DVD Number 23 is on the coffee table still unwatched. Why unwatched? They work. Hulk races his bike. Baby races to meet her deadline. And the weekend ends in a sort of nondescript blur, next to a pile of Kant books, and about 1100 words left to write by tomorrow.

Adventures to about three weeks when my exams are done, and the Christmas season pounces on us.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sugar Demons

On Hallowe'en night, Hulk, Baby, and Piggie haunted the streets.

Seen: too many princesses and would-be beauty queens, lots of spooky snaggle-toothed jackolanterns, a child who got teary when Hulk said 'boo', crunchy leaves, inflatable lawn ornaments, the white moon, the dark streets, the happy kids.