Sunday, December 14, 2008

Cyclocross Nationals

Hulk has been in KC for a few days, riding his bike in muddy circles. Career high for him. He's on his way home now, a twenty hour drive.

Baby stays put and works. She motivates herself with popcorn breaks, inventing new toppings like, "Butter that makes magical fairies roost in the sink and wash your dishes." Come on, guys!

HulknBaby have been playing a relay game that's not very fun. It goes something like this: Baby has a writing deadline, so she hides behind her desk to finish it. When she's done, Hulk has a writing deadline and can't come out to play. Hulk goes to Kansas, comes home. Baby goes up North (no, Hulk, she's not an elf with special work to do. Leave her ears out of your hypotheses).

But soon they'll be together for the holiday, and then traveling together for a few days. Relay is over. Lesson learned: tandem bikes are better.