Friday, September 14, 2007


Hulk and Baby have been preoccupied with turning: the trees becoming orange and red, turning 'round and 'round and twirling around the living room, apple turnovers, and pushing their pedals fast to spin the wheels around on their bikes.

Hulk also decided it was a good week to turn 30. Happy Birthday, Hulk.

Baby hasn't taken a turn to blog in a while, so she will at the end of the weekend. First, H&B have to go visit a whale or two, wade in the ocean, and try not to get too turned around in a New England town on the coast.

Happy weekending,


muh said...

Happy Birthday. I hope 30 is a great year for you.

Hulk said...

Thanks, Megan. And happy baby to you and thanks for being our very best number one blogger friend.