Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Average Joes: Choose Our Woes

Baby tells me she knows at least one Joe who isn't average.

And she often tries to convince Hulk that an average cup o' joe ain't so bad (especially if it's Tim Horton's, or, okay, Stewart's, or flavored somethingorother for that matter).

But today's entry is a bit of a tribute to average joes, since Hulk&Baby are average folks like me, and maybe like you, too.

Hulk&Baby struggle with deadlines, and lifelines, grocery store lines, phone lines, and when to toe the line or draw the line. On that last one, Hulk&Baby fight sometimes. In fact, they fought a couple of days ago...

I suspect they're not fighting about anything important, and it will all blow over soon. Good thing it's a windy day.
