Friday, April 20, 2007

Nothing but blue skies

It's officially shirtsleeves weather, and Hulk&Baby have been enjoying the great outdoors, mostly from inside where they're working on various things: poetry and bike repair, reading and editing, and washing dishes and music-making.

This weekend, Baby will be curled up in a fort of books. Hulk will ride for many, many hours on his bike and play music.

In other words, it's the same sort of weekend they have (or plan to have) all of the time. Only this time, the backdrop is a sunny, warm sky, and bits of things (like grass and crocuses) finding the colors they forgot they had over the winter.

Baby finds herself to be rather orange and leafy today: a heliotrope, looking up at the sky rather than down at the book on her desk.

1 comment:

Edwin Oliver said...

My weekend was spent recovering from my 9-5 clerkhood lifestyle. I admit I did much of this outdoors and enjoyed the weather, but man was I tired out. Bartleby's ready for his vacation...