Friday, April 13, 2007

Mystery #492, Docket 16AL-V

I'm confused, I admit it.

My cave is a little out of control. I love critters, love sharing, love easy-livin'...but this week I'm failing at reclaiming my space.

See, Hulk has roaches. [Hulk's building is old, scary and poorly tended by the Queen Mother of the Russian Mafia. - Ed.] They're curious, crunchy, and committed to sticking around.
I have ants. They've stopped spelling love letters, and have started bellowing war songs (their favourite is the tune from Peter Brook's "Lord of the Flies").

Hulk's mouse, Sledgehammer, hasn't dashed across my foot lately on his way to better things, like, say, the pantry.
My mouse, Harem, recently moved out of her hiding place under my sink.

Here's where the mystery begins: the ants were getting out of control to the point where my roommate set out some baits. 4 of them. Every day this week, another bait has 'gone missing'.

There are three possibilities:
1. Harem is taking the baits and putting them somewhere.
2. The dog is eating them. (Peanut butter is often used in ant baits).
3. The unusual suspects: spontaneous combustion, UFOs, and/or evolution in the form of growing limbs and walking away.

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