Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Blues

I'm in blue jeans, wearing Hulk's blue shirt, and a headwrap that I bought from the Giant Tiger (Note: Paisley is the new pinstripe).

Nothing much is blue in the mountains today. I'm surrounded by green and grey, mostly. Even the river is taking a break from the blues.

I'm not feeling very broken up, but there is an absence of blues in the people here so I find myself needing to slip into the rainbow between green and indigo today.

Tomorrow, maybe I'll get a case of the yellows. And what will that look like? Beamy, I hope. Where are photophores when you need them?

Hulk, give my love to &. I'm sending him an invisible Columbian squirrel to chase around. The squirrel seems to have been abandoned by his mother, probably because she can't see him.

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