Friday, May 18, 2007

Illness, aspiration and completion

Things Hulk can write "done" on this week:

School (sort of) - The could-have -been semester from hell ended peacefully. It now only remains to be seen how well Hulk is loved by the BigScarySchoolhouse and whether or not he will be invited to play the game of Master's Degree after graduating in December.

Nasty Sinus Cold - All gone.

Bear Mountain Road Race - Hulk got lost, Hulk was late, Hulk was sick. They gave Hulk's race number away to someone else at registration, so Hulk spent 4 hours in the feed zone handing bottles to his teammate, Mr. Serious. This was all for the best as it turned out that Hulk was deathly ill and had no business racing 100 miles (160k for you folks up north-Ed.) anyhow.

Baby's Reading - Baby revised and revised, and said unkind things about herself, and made little Origami dragons out of her poems. She made the dragons fight each other and the ones that prevailed were the ones she read at BigMountainFantasyPoetCamp(TM) on Thursday night. Hulk is so proud of Baby, she really has no idea.

(Almost) The Wagon - Today Hulk goes car shopping. More to come.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cap'n has an idea how proud Hulk is of Baby and her reading. He's heard about that.Cap'n has also read a draft of what Baby read at the BigPoetryFantasy...whatever.
Words, like most sheep, have only a rudimentary sense about where they belong. They need shepherding. Fortunate words find rare shepherds or shepherdesses like Baby, who care (beyond idle caring) what happens to them, who sense one of life's infinite facets and there make a place of words in which we can momentarily reside, savor, ponder. It gives the words purpose, and maybe ourselves as well.
"A poem should not mean, but be." - Archibald MacLeish
Not to give too much away, Baby's poem employs Niagara Falls - a bit of the natural world that has suffered more than its share of human silliness. That Baby sees that and sees right through it in the same handful of words probably certifies that she is a Poet(TM).
That is a hazardous thing to be. The MacLeish line comes from his Ars Poetica.
To get a sense of the hazard involved, Google (TM) X.J.Kennedy's quatrain of the same name. Kennedy - who can come off as silly as humanity at Niagara Falls on casual reading - is a real-deal Poet(TM) himself.
At all events, Nature made Niagara Falls a place of consequence before Baby did.
Many years ago Cap'n stood at the brink of the Falls (American side) with his bandmates, after a long night of playing Irish music in a Buffalo pub. What he felt was not awe, exactly. Awe is difficult to pull off when you're really tired and your fingertips hurt. What he felt was that there was more to sense than he was capable of sensing.
On opposite sides of that fundamental cataract, Hulk and Baby were five years old.