Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Histoire récente dans les images

The night before she left, Baby brought Hulk flowers. They were for the nest she was building:

When Baby got on the BigSilverSlowBus, Hulk was sad (dig the sneaky Hulk disguise):
After Baby had been gone for a few days, Hulk found a hair in the sink in the shape of an &. Those of you who read regularly will understand that in our world this is a lot like Elvis in the refrigerator mold or a Blessed Virgin shaped pancake. Hulk now believes that all is right with the world (look closely, it's there):


1 comment:

Edwin Oliver said...

I wanted to leave a post on "Cowboys" but Blogger wouldn't let me. I am so happy for the & in your sink, by the way. That was very moving.
I wanted to know if you watched "The Magnificent Seven" or "The Wild Bunch" in your class. If not, ys oughtsta wotch'em sometime. They're from the late 60's, when the Western as a film genre was descending behind the Western horizon after a full life high in the sky. The Seventies were coming up in the East, and the American Movie would never be the same...
Thank ye kindly fer the thoughtful ruminatin'.